Experience excellence at the Spine and Performance Institute. We are a boutique healthcare facility in Edison, NJ. We’re committed to providing one on one service and world-class surgical care to patients suffering from neck, back, spine, and orthopedic pain or disorders.
Are you suffering from back pain or neck pain? At the Spine and Performance Institute our goal is to help you get rid of your pain. With over 20 years of experience in taking care of patients with orthopedic and spine problems we will provide the latest and most advanced treatment plan for you.
Dr. Alok Sharan is an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon who is a pioneer of the Awake Spine Surgery procedure, the latest advancement in minimally invasive spine surgery. He is a leading authority both nationally and internationally on the Awake Spinal Fusion procedure, having been invited to give presentations throughout the United States and many countries around the world. He is the President and Founder of the Spine and Performance Institute, a practice devoted to providing personalized and holistic care for individuals who suffer from spinal disorders.
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Albany Medical Center
NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital
Dartmouth College
Dr. Sharan has countless patients willing to share their stories about the results his world-class surgical care has provided and the improvement they’ve seen in their daily life.
Cynthia shares how Dr. Sharan’s revolutionary Awake Spinal Fusion procedure cured her back pain and restored her quality of life.
Reach out to us for a no-charge consultation to see if the Spine Performance Institute can help you.
Need help? Give us a call.
732-898-3950Stay informed with Dr. Sharan’s regularly published information and articles related to back pain, orthopedics, and spinal surgery.
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